I wanted to make my own wedding invites, so after looking at some inspiration I started by designing a little crest. It’s loosely based on heraldry, but simplified, with some sakura petals instead of traditional flowers.
I also made a branch to accent the crest, which I ended up using at the bottom of the invite.
We ordered a stamp from The English Stamp Company, which turned out great. It was an easy process to order and the website was good.
We got red ink and stamped each envelope, sort of inspired by wax seals (and our favourite boy who lived of course).
The contents of each invite was wrapped in a stamped “belly band” (weird name I know, but that’s what they’re called apparently!). These took a while to make, but I think the end result paid off.
We spent ages looking for the paper we wanted to use. Eventually I settled on some basic artist paper that’s off white for a little contrast and slightly textured.
I designed three parts to go in each envelope - the invite itself, an RSVP card and an information page. I went through too many variations of these to mention, but the final version I’m really happy with.
We ordered the final prints from The Foil Printing Co. I first ordered a sample pack from them, which helped us choose the colours and paper weight. The final print quality was excellent, and the process to set up my designs for foil was fairly straight forward too.
I’m super happy with how these turned out and excited to hear back from everyone we send them to. ✌️